Imagine a life where you have no access to clean water, one of life’s few basic necessities to survive. In Sub-Saharan Africa 319 million people are without clean water. Nearly half of the population of Tanzania lives without clean water, and everyday several times a day women and children walk over 3 miles each way to the nearest water source where they collect rationed amounts of contaminated and unsafe water used for drinking, cooking, washing their clothes and simply keeping themselves clean. Scary, isn’t it? In 2010, Pat Boone and his late wife Shirley established the Pat Boone Family Life Center in Loiborsoit, Tanzania, in cooperation with GOD TV and WorldServe International, a non-profit organization committed to providing clean water, sanitation, education, and economic opportunities in Africa. Through Pat Boone World Missions, the couple provided foundational funding for a deep water well, a school, and The Shirley Boone Vegetable Garden, which continues to feed multiple villages. Their contributions have also helped develop a community center, offering critical health services to families in surrounding areas. “ONE” was written by entertainment icon and philanthropist Pat Boone, Nashville-based producer-arranger/musical director Jimmy Nichols, and hit songwriter Frank Myers as a new musical anthem to unite the world in a shared mission of hope and humanitarian aid. Proceeds from the project will help fund clean water initiatives, as well as provide food resources, health services and education for the people of Tanzania. “Clean water, basic primary and secondary schools, and even small medical clinics are literally life-changing developments," Boone said. At the end of the day, we hope “ONE” will go down in history, as have its predecessors. Its purpose serves a great humanitarian cause, and the recording, to raise even more money for the cause, is being released internationally in 2025.